Family Law Attorney Belleville, Illinois

This Common Relationship Problem Is a Top Divorce Factor

Seen from behind, a couple sits at opposite ends of a park bench

Infidelity, abuse, and disagreements over money are well-known reasons to end a marriage, but there's a more common and silent relationship-killer that can attack any couple.

A new study notes that when couples do not communicate, their risk of divorce skyrockets. More than half of the divorcing parents surveyed in a study published in the Journal of Divorce & Marriage say that the fact that they were "not able to talk together" was the main reason for the divorce.

Talking with your spouse about difficult subjects is often complicated by desires to hash out unpleasant things and not hurt the other's feelings. These feelings can cause division and delay the resolution of serious issues.

Too much or too little in common

The study didn't just spot lack of communication as a major reason that marriages end.

Among the couples surveyed, a top reason for splitting was communication-related - Couples say they grew apart.

Still, having too much in common can ruin a relationship, too. Having similar priorities is important, but so too is celebrating differences. When the differences between partners are complimentary, a relationship can be very strong.

Top reasons for divorce

The study's author, Alan J. Hawkins, has done a significant amount of marriage and divorce research. In an earlier study, he listed the top reasons for divorce. From most common to least common, top divorce factors include:

Growing apart.

Not able to talk together.

Money problems.


Personal problems of one spouse.

Not getting enough attention.

Spouse's personal habits.

Sexual problems.

Differences in taste and preferences.

Alcohol or drug problems.

Division of household responsibilities.

Conflicts over raising children.

In-law problems.

Spouse's leisure activities.

Division of childcare responsibilities.

Physical violence.

Spouse's friends.

Spouse works too many hours.

Religious differences.

Illinois no-fault divorce

In many marriages, at least one spouse attempts to "fix" the relationship when there are problems. But not all problems can be overcome with hard work and communication. Sometimes, divorce is the right option for couples.

In Illinois, all divorces are "no-fault," which means a spouse does not have to prove a reason for the divorce. Here, divorce gets started with filing a dissolution of marriage action in court. You also must prove that you have been an Illinois resident for a minimum of 90 days before the judgment is finalized.

Even when there is no one to blame and things seem amicable, it is wise to have a lawyer represent you in your divorce. When spouses split, emotions run high. At Courtney Clark Law, P.C. we keep our clients on track to get what they need and deserve out of divorce.

Divorce attorneys focused on your future

Our Belleville, Illinois divorce attorneys are committed to providing compassionate, responsive client care. If you are considering divorce or need help with related legal issues like business division, child support, alimony, and post-judgment modifications - contact our law firm for a free case consultation.

A member of our legal team can listen to you and help you weigh your options. We are ready to hear from you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Contact us today to see how we can help you.

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