Family Law Attorney Belleville, Illinois

New Year's Resolutions To Make If You’ve Recently Gone Through A Divorce

New Year's Resolution Divorce

Happy New Year!

If you’ve recently gone through a divorce, the new year may not seem so happy because divorce can be the most stressful experience you can go through. Coping in healthy ways with this stress is key and these resolutions offered by Dr. Ann Gold Buscho in Psychology Today may help.

Replace anger and blame with forgiveness and gratitude

Bitterness towards your ex is not healthy, so resolve to not be angry. Focus on being grateful for the positive things in your life instead. Forgiveness brings inner peace, and you need to forgive yourself, not just your ex, for the breakup.

Speak kindly and respectfully

When you speak kindly about your ex, you're modeling healing behavior, especially with your children. Kids are cognizant of the language and tone you use, and when you speak respectfully about your ex, you bring calm to an emotional storm.

Be a great parent

Compromise, cooperate and communicate to help smooth any bumps in the road. Work with your ex to make sure your children’s health and well-being remain a top priority. Be flexible and friendly.

Protect your kids from your divorce or post-divorce relationship

Your kids don’t need to know every gory detail of a divorce. Finances, affairs and other marital problems are inappropriate topics for discussion with your kids.  Your kids are kids and should be treated that way.

Keep your promises - and don't make promises you can't keep

If you’re not done working out the details of your divorce, make sure you’re up front with your children about changes that may occur, as well as what may stay unimpacted in their lives. Let them know you’re working things out, and that they are an important part of what happens next.

Focus on the future

Shift perspective from the pain of the past to the opportunities presented by the future. Don’t dwell on past hurts; look forward to a brighter future. Envision where you want to be next year and the year after that. Take small steps if you have to, but make sure you’re moving forward.

Make sure your finances are in order

Usually, one spouse manages the finances, pays the bills, and maintains a budget in a marriage. If this wasn’t your role, you need to address this by seeking out a CPA or financial planner right away.

Focused on your future

Divorce is stressful because the legal issues involving divorce can be complicated and the choices you make now can impact you for the rest of your life. So, it is important that you fully understand the legal implications of each decision.

Our experienced divorce lawyers can explore all options available to you and guide you through the process. We can develop a workable solution for the future that meets all your needs and goals. Throughout the process, we will keep you informed and consult with you about every important decision.

Put your trust in Courtney Clark Law, P.C. because we put your needs first. Contact us to schedule an appointment at our law firm in Belleville. We want to help you move forward with your life and give you peace of mind during this stressful time.

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