Family Law Attorney Belleville, Illinois


What Are the Sources of Conflict Among Divorcing Couples?

Nearly 690,000 couples got divorced in 2021, according to statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Center for Health Statistics. That’s roughly half the number of couples who got married in the same year. Factors that can lead to divorce People get divorced for many reasons, but often, it’s because a...

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Avoid These 10 Financial Mistakes in an Illinois Divorce

Our Illinois divorce attorneys fight for your fair share of marital assets. Divorce is emotionally challenging, and amidst the emotional turmoil, managing finances can quickly become a daunting task. People going through a divorce in Illinois need to be aware of the potential financial pitfalls that can arise during this complex phase because navigating the...

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The Five Stages of Grief in Divorce

Make sure you have the right guidance throughout this time of transition. Divorce is a legal and economic process, but it's also a deeply personal loss. Even if you are the one initiating the divorce, you're still grieving the loss of what your marriage was supposed to be or might have been. It's not a...

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Study Finds Divorce Can Have Positive Effects on Work and Personal Life for Some Individuals

Divorce can provide opportunities for growth and fulfillment. According to Forbes Advisor, in 2021, there were 689,308 divorces across 45 U.S. states. While divorce is often seen as a negative in many societies and families, a new study reported by CNBC suggests that it can have a silver lining for both spouses. If you're considering...

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Your Guide to Alimony and Spousal Support in Illinois

Alimony can change the way you live. Make sure you have an experienced divorce lawyer on your side. One of the most contentious issues in many divorces is spousal maintenance, commonly also known as alimony or spousal support. Typically, alimony is provided when one spouse makes more money than the other spouse. The breadwinner will...

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How Does Child Custody Work in Illinois After Divorce?

An attorney can help you understand your rights and options. Child custody laws in Illinois are designed to ensure that the best interests of the child are protected. In Illinois, both parents are assumed to have equal rights to the custody of their child. This means the court will not automatically award custody to either...

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5 Tips For Co-Parenting Over the Holidays

After a divorce, the holiday season can be a tricky time of year if you have kids. The first few holidays following a divorce can be difficult when you have children. You are still trying to figure a lot of things out in your life. Now you have to navigate a time of year that...

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